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Trek Mountain Bikes Dual Sport 2. Where the dual sport 2 is almost a mountain bike, the fx 2 is much closer to a road bike. No surprise that our mountain bikes are the most technologically advanced on the market.

Idr 12 250 000 00
Idr 12 250 000 00 from
The trek dual sport 3 has a total of 18 speeds. If you already own a dual sport 2 and want to make it an even better bike you may be considering upgrades. If you mean jumps and stuff you would consider mountain biking than you should get a mountain bike.

Check our review of trek fx1 here.

If you already own a dual sport 2 and want to make it an even better bike you may be considering upgrades. View a wide selection of mountain bikes and other great items on ksl classifieds. If you're not sure which one is right for you, check out the comparison discussed above to. Comes with trek bontrager duotrap s and bontrager kickstand.

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